Lake Tech Culinary made a delicious breakfast. They drove a robot thru an obstacle course, fix a dent in a hood, color hair, nursing, and more. LHS culinary served lunch, showed us Construction Academy, FFA and TSIC. Panel of LHS principal, Superintendent, School Board Chair, LSSC, Lake Tech and Beacon College.
Welcome Class of 2025 to Leadership Lake County!
Lake David Center- Groveland
Thank you to the following that made Economic Development Day.
Lake David Center- Groveland
Leesburg High School
Leesburg High School
Tavares Admin Building
Thank you to Lake County Sheriff's Office, Lady Lake Police, Eustis Police, Leesburg Police, Clermont Police, Tavares Police, Howey in the ...
Tavares Admin Building
City of Tavares
Thank you to Bob Tweedie at the City of Tavares, Marc Schwartz, Ryan Cimino, Andrea Kennard, Kathleen Dial, Commissioner Sean Parks and Kels...
City of Tavares
UF Health- Leesburg
Thank you to UF Health Central Florida for hosting, lunch, planning and speaking. Thank you to Adventhealth Waterman, Orlando Health Southl...
UF Health- Leesburg
Each class member must complete two internships of at least four hours each outside of your current industry. Take your form with you as you must fill it out and have your sponsor sign the internship form. You will find the form in the Class files section below.
Thank you for joining Leadership Lake County, an independent 501(c)3 leadership program established in 1990 and dedicated to the development of Lake County and its community leaders. Our goal is provide a forum for participants to increase their awareness and commitment to the development of the Lake County community. The program provides a greater understanding of the complex social and economic issues that are shaping the future of Lake County and its residents. By raising the levels of awareness, knowledge, and active participation in the county as a whole, class members are better prepared to lead the county in the future.
Leadership Lake County requires a major time commitment from the participants, with full-day (7:30am - 5:00pm) programs held once to twice a month for eight months
1. Wear your Leadership shirt and name tag to each class day or Leadership event.
2. If you have any dietary restrictions, please advise Joanie ASAP. We will do the best we can to accommodate you.
3. Attend all required sessions and conduct yourself in a professional manner. You will be given ample notification prior to each month’s class as to the location (with directions) and start time, dress code, etc.
4. Be on time. If you are ten minutes late, you have delayed 30 other people as well.
5. Participants missing more than two sessions will be immediately dismissed from the program. Upon dismissal, there is no appeal and no refund of tuition.
a. Definition of Absences constituting a Session:
i. Absence of four (4) hours or more constitutes a full day.
ii. Absence of less than four (4) hours constitutes a half day.
6. If you will be absent, arriving late or leaving early for any reason, please let Joanie and your buddy know in advance so we are not looking for you. IF something comes up the night before or day of class, don’t email Joanie, text her.
7. As a courtesy to our facilitators, cell phones, iWatch, shoe phone, etc. (voice, e-mail, and text) are not to be used during class meetings, guest presentations or while on tours. They are permissible during designated breaks only. Stepping out to take a call is not permitted.
8. Transportation is typically provided during class days and you are expected to ride the bus. Self-driving is not permitted. This is your opportunity to network!
9. The OVERNIGHT IS MANDATORY. Bring a set of twin sheets and a pillow for your bed plus your overnight items including earbuds for snorers! You will receive your Leadership shirt on the first day for class photos.
11. Select two class photographers and two class enforcement officers.
12. At Orientation you will be provided a mural read pages 1-32 prior to the Overnight.
13. Complete two approved internships (different than the participant's own industry). Each must be at least 4 hours in length. Participants are responsible for arranging their internships. All internship paperwork is due by April 10, 2025.
14. Commit to participation in a class project and alumni events during the second year. Class project to be selected by May 2025.
15. Commit to holding the Annual Leadership Lake Reverse Draw and any other fundraiser the class chooses to meet its goals needed to fulfill the class project as well as give back to the Leadership Lake Program.
16. Help us grow the program! Fill out your daily evaluation sheets honestly and include suggestions for additions to the agenda.
17. Be present and be involved! Ask questions, participate in class day activities, engage with your classmates and you will reap the benefits of the program!